He opened my eyes

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted T
he ones that are far beyond my reach
- Brandon Heath

When I was pregnant, there was one Saturday when my husband and I went out to the pool in the afternoon. As I laid out in the chair with my humungous belly, reading a book about being a mom, a young woman sat next to me reading a book about infertility. She looked at me and pointed out the irony of us sitting next to each other. I tried to encourage her, but how much can a very pregnant woman encourage someone who is having a hard time getting pregnant? Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and moved around. Nevertheless, I went home and prayed for her. As much as I wanted to I could not bring hope to her because I had not walked the same road she was going through.

The lyrics above are from one of my favorite songs by Brandon Heath. I actually think it is more of a prayer with some music playing in the background. These words come from someone who wants to get people on a more personal level. He knows there are people who are hurting out there, but somehow he keeps missing them as they pass by. I relate to this person because I have been given a new set of eyes after going through the pain of losing Andrew. I am able to see people and their hurt in ways I couldn’t before. These were people who were my closest friends, my family, co-workers, colleagues, and acquaintances. How had I not seen their pain when they were right in front of me all along?

God has given me compassion and a genuine interest in others around me. I don’t think God took Andrew away so I could in turn see people hurting around me. I don’t know the reasons He had for Andrew’s life being so short, they are too far above me for me to understand. It would be the same as if an ant would try to understand how the human mind works. No matter how hard the little ant tried, there is just no way to even comprehend the way humans think and feel.

What I do know is that in the midst of a world of wounded people, I can pass hope to others because I am wounded as well. I was wounded in my past and healed. I believe God can and will heal me and my family again.