We were assigned to drive around with water coolers to make sure the students stayed hydrated. I had hoped that on Andrew's birthday something amazing would take place, but it turned out to be a very routine day- nothing out of the ordinary, no great story to share, we didn't even get to see the rainbow I had hoped for. I was kind of dissapointed we were given a small task at frontliners, while Steve fully accepted the task and gave his very best. He was the best water cooler passer out there! As seemingly unimportant of a job it might have seemed, he did it joyfully and with a good attitude. And that is how Steve is in everything he does. How much I have to learn from my husband! And I love all that the Lord is teaching me through him. As the day went by I realized that I need to learn to honor God through whatever He asks of me. While I may want to honor Him by doing something big and out of the ordinary, I need to honor him in the small things as well.
A year ago I was co-leading a CR bible study. Today I am just a participant. A year ago I was mentoring two ladies at our church. Today I am the one being mentored. A year ago I was the one given my parents advice on various things. Today I don't know what I would do without their daily encouragement.
And so even through a very ordinary day on Andrew's birthday, I am glad that God is still at work. I am so thankful to be able to hear the same message and over and over again to honor Him in the small things. Perhaps in His eyes they are no less important than anything else.
Our friends the Clarks gave us a very special gift on Andrew's birthday. They are sponsoring a child in Lebanon in honor of Andrew! It was another reminder that God can do all things even through the small things.... perhaps they have a bigger impact than I can imagine. Below is last part of Shelly's email (with her permission)
Long story short - Someone is going to provide these children with an education - whether it be a terrorist group, or with the help of Christians supporting these children, they can get a Christian education and be spared the brainwashing and teachings of violence and hate that is taught in the public school system! They said a gift of $$ would provide one child with Christian education for one school year. So in Andrew's memory, I called in and did that.
At first, satan attacked and put the thought in my head that doing that for just one child would not really be able to make a difference in such a broken world, but then I thought of Andrew. His little life had such a huge impact on so many of us and I was reminded that the Lord can do all things. So hopefully we can provide one child with the opportunity to know Christ and he/she will share that with others and slowly, the people of Lebanon can be changed
I love you friend!
Happy Birthday Andrew - we miss and love you!