My first fun item is this cute charm my mother in law got for me last year in Andrew's memory. It is this small glove with a little baseball in it and a little heart, which is so fitting to wear this Valentine's day weekend! Steve has always been a huge baseball fan, and he got to watch the all-star baseball game with Andrew in his arms. We will always cherish that moment, although every year when the all-star game comes on in July it makes me very sad.
I am hoping by wearing it people will ask me about it, and I will have the chance to talk about Andrew. I rarely get to talk about him nowadays.
My second fun item is my Valentine's day present to Steve! I needed to redeem myself for my poor Christmas gift I gave to him this year. He gave me a very nice movado watch, and I got him a shirt (I did not think we were exchanging presents on my defense!) Anyways I really love this item, it is a set of 'How to pray for your husband/how to pray for your wife' laminated cards. There are 15 cards in each set on different areas on praying for each other. I absolutely love these cards because they are laminated and won't get dirty! I have many times written out verses in 4 x 6 cards and they tend to get dirty and bent easily. I also love these cards because it reminds me to pray for Steve in areas I would've never thought about on my own. And lastly they look really cute!
Here is an example of the areas of prayer in the cards :)
The lady that sells these cards was very nice and great to buy from. She has many other sets available like 'How to pray for new mothers', 'How to pray for your children', etc. Each set can also be personalized with your husband or children's name on them! I really love these cards and hope to buy the 'how to pray for your children' sometime soon to pray over Jack. She also has different patterns available in her online store which are really cute.
My next really neat item which I also found on, is a tiny tin which has 25 NIV verses inside. It is so small that it easily fits in a wallet and does not weigh anything. It is such a good way to carry God's word with me wherever I go!
In the pic below the tin next is next to a dollar bill just to show how incredibly small and lightweight it is...
Below are some pictures of our sweet, cuddly, happy, and fun son Jack! He is just getting more and more fun by the minute. He likes to chew on his toes, plays on his exersaucer, laughs often, and I've figured out what makes him smile.. its so fun! And I’m starting this thing where I dance with him to praise music at least once a day. In the morning after he wakes up we are going to start pray together for Steve with the new prayer card set… We are just loving him more and more every day!!
Happy Valentine's day!
Why do you keep taking photos of me?
Ok this is fun!!
And lastly I love writing in this blog because it's a great way to update my family(including my dad who lives in Venezuela), but I am also reluctant most of the time because I am a very private person and this really puts my life out there for anyone to read... But I continue to get past this in hope that it will bring glory to the Lord and he will use this as He sees fit!