Happy 2 year old birthday Andrew!

I had a hard time writing the title to this post.

It sure feels sad to see a birthday come and go and not be able to celebrate it with Andrew. But I still decided to write happy because I really wish Andrew is enjoying this day in heaven! I hope he is having a grand old time up there and celebrating with Jesus. What could be better than that?

I miss him today. I miss all of him. Two years ago on this day I had the best day of my life and I would do it all over again. It was worth it.

It is so perplexing to me how I can experience much joy and pain at the same time. How I can have tears of joy when Jack laughs at my silly face, and at the very same moment have tears of sadness as I wonder how Andrew's laugh might have sounded like.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Andrew's life, and this song reminds me of him.

I love you my little slugger!