Every month Junior League hosts a collection drive for a different organization in Tampa. This month they're collecting gently used infant and maternity clothing, baby gear, and cribs. These items will be used for the 'mommy and me' event this fall, where they will be offered as care packages to young women ages 18 to 25 who have aged out of the foster care system.
They will be collecting these items at the Junior League headquarters in Davis Island until Friday, October 8th. If you are interested in donating anything let me know as I'll be dropping items off Tuesday, Oct 6th.
I hope you won't feel 'guilted' into donating something to this collection. I know most of Jack's stuff I'm planning on keeping for Lord willing any future children. But I wanted to share this opportunity in case you are looking to donate some things or know of someone who'd be interested :)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at carolbriggs@tampabay.rr.com.
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