I really enjoy linking up to Amber’s journey of faith Fridays, but with the busyness of fall, traveling, and getting ready for Christmas, I really haven’t had much time to write. I’m glad to be linking up this week to write about Advent!
Some of my best childhood memories are centered around the Advent. Here's a brief definition of what it means.
The word Advent is associated with the four weeks of preparation for Christmas. Advent always contains four Sundays, starting the last Sunday of November continuing until December 24. It is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.
I attended an all-girl catholic school through 6th grade. So from as long as I can remember until I was 11 years old, my family would faithfully celebrate the advent season by gathering around the 'Advent Wreath'.
This was a circular wreath with four candles- we would light one candle each Sunday, with the final one lit the Sunday before Christmas. I remember gathering around the wreath as a family, reading from a devotional writing my school gave out, and we would sing songs about Jesus. It really brings back some good memories and I just love that we all came together as a family those Sundays no matter how busy things were. Also I think it was an 'exciting' thing as a little kid to light those candles!
I love Advent because it so greatly reminds me of a season when things at home were well and we had family and friends close to us. After we moved to Florida... well life changed after that.
I'd love to start the tradition of an 'Advent Wreath' in our family even though we are not technically Catholic anymore. It was such a fun way to spiritually prepare for the 25th and to keep our focus on what Christmas is really all about.
We haven't started the tradition yet, and I guess its mostly due to our lack of space and our teeny dining room table which is always filled with stuff- high chair cover, snacks, sippy cups, mail. It'd be so difficult to store that big old wreath! But I will be praying for some other creative way to get ready for Christmas this year.
Hope everyone has a wonderful 'advent' season!