Multitude Mondays- VII

I am thankful for...

Feb 28

185. For meeting other Christian women at work and joining them on a weekly bible study over lunch.
186. For Steve’s confidence and leading our family this week
187. For Steve’s back getting better and him being back to his old self

March 1

188. A husband who loves and encourages me
189. The desires God puts in our hearts
190. God clearly closing some doors and opening others
191. That God hears my prayers every time
192. For my junior league meeting tonight

March 2

193. A direction to be still and not try so hard to make things happens according to my plans
194. Steve asking me to have a quiet time together this evening
195. Jack's stinking cute belly laughter
196. Deutoronomy 11
197. For my new momagenda calendar

March 3

198. For Jack's good behavior despite taking him around doctor's appointments and errands.
199. For how sweet and funny he was today... just melted my heart.
200. For how easily he went down for a nap
201. For his long nap today allowing me to get a lot done at home
202. For being able to volunteer at CR

March 4 Friday

202. For a relaxing evening with Steve at home
203. For having time to work on my testimony and getting most of it done.

March 5

204. For Steve's mom watching Jack during the day
205. For dinner with Steve's family
206. For the way Jack makes others smile

March 6

207. For a wonderful message at chuch and partaking in the Lord's supper
208. For Steve playing basketball with friends this afternoon
209. For being able to rest and slow down from the busyness of the week.