Multitude Mondays

Giving thanks to God is what ushers one into the very presence of God. And this is why He asks us to always give thanks- Ann Voskamp

Giving thanks this week for...

October 24th

782. For crisp and beautiful fall weather that uplifts me
783. For Amber kindly inviting Jack and I to the aquarium this morning

784. For a friend who I can always relate to and encourages me

October 25th

785. That after many months of waiting, Jack and I are finally able to volunteer at Everyday Blessings, a home for abused and neglected children.
786. For a tangible reminder of how blessed I am in so many ways I take for granted.
787. For being able to hug on a little boy who needed much love and kept calling me mama.
788. That despite feeling frustrated when leaving this place, I trust in God's sovereignty and love.
789. For an encouraging conversation with my BSF leader.

October 26th

789. For being convicted by this morning's lecture at BSF
788. For Bethany kindly having Jack and I over for lunch at her house.
789. For Jack being upset when leaving, which makes me think that he really enjoys having a little buddy

October 27th

790. For a morning of catching up with friends who I hadn't seen in a long time.

791. For an answered prayer, I had been fervently praying for all week.
792. For feeling convicted on a certain area of my life that need change.
793. For an exciting surprise in the mail (which I will share more about later this week).

October 28th

793. For Steve's patience and grace with me when I fall behind on taking care of the house
794. For energy today and not feeling sick, allowing me to accomplish many things today

October 29th

795. For a day to rest and enjoy being with Steve and Jack without rushing somewhere
796. For Jack's playfulness and laugh

October 30th

797. For laughter in playing nintendo with my husband
798. For a fun evening with friends at a local trunk or treat show

799. For my father in law's extra kindness tonight