The first big project of the year was my 'work' area. We replaced this desk, with a longer desk and added shelves for storage at the top.
I am so thankful and excited for the additional room. It allows me to do so much more and be more organized!
I've been spending most of my free time learning how to sew/embroider. I have been SO excited to learn and have really enjoyed it so far. But I must say it's easy to get caught up on it and spend too much time on this when I should be doing other things.
Here are two of my first fun projects
An embroired onesie for my dear friend Bethany who is expecting her daughter Piper in just two short weeks...
Hemming this dress from a gown...
To a cocktail dress....
(Will post the shorter dress once its done)
And hemming most of Jack's clothes which are too wide for him.
We have also cleaned and reorganized our entire garage. Although it took a lot of work, I think the new organization method will work well long term. Hoping it will anyways.
We are also cleaning out our guest room (aka. storage room) so we can turn it into a bedroom for Jack. We were able to clean out most of it last weekend but it still needs a lot more work. And we still need to order the bedroom furniture soon otherwise Jack might not have a place to sleep soon! :)
(Before cleaning it out)
I am focused on getting everything ready for this baby to join us. I am really excited and hoping it will be an easier transition than I anticipate it will be. Those first few months with Jack where very difficult for me. I am hoping this time around I will be able to enjoy the baby much more... but I have heard the transition from one to two children tends to be more difficult. Praying and hoping it will go well!