An Important Message

As most of you know my husband is an insurance agent for Allstate. I’ve never written much about his business, so this is going to be a different type of post than what I normally write. But I think the overall message is important and applicable.

A few months after Steve and I got married he brought up the idea of getting life insurance on each other. I remember being taken back wondering why in the world he would want to get life insurance. We didn’t even have children! I immediately thought of the Lifetime movies in which a husband takes out life insurance on his wife, only to take her on a remote trip from which he is the only one to come back from alive. I thought to myself if he asked me to on a ‘trip’ our first year of marriage, I would refuse. Period.

I argued with him against this for some time. I did not think it was important but he strongly felt the opposite way so I finally gave in. Thankfully I am alive seven years later, so perhaps he didn’t want to get rid of me after all? :)

Because Steve is in the insurance industry he has a different perspective than me when it comes to these things. For example, there is the story of his dad’s client who came every month into the office to make his insurance payment. His dad would often talk to him and ask about his family, but never asked about life insurance. One day he came in and informed him that his wife had passed away. His dad thought about the many opportunities he had missed to recommend life insurance. And he’s always regretted it. He wishes that he would’ve at least given him the chance to say yes or no.

It’s been seven years since we first got life insurance. Now being a mom of two boys (and one in heaven) I realize how important it is. I’m very thankful Steve has taken care of this because it’s not something I like to think about. In the past I’ve rationalized that it’s rather morbid to plan for the worst. After all who likes to think about the scenario of something tragic happening? I’ve even believed getting life insurance would bring some type of ‘bad luck' along the lines of if you plan for the worst, then the worst is more likely to happen. So it's better not to think about those type of things, and nothing bad will happen. Well I wish that was true. Sadly unexpected things happen whether we have a backup plan for it or not.

My reason in writing this post is to share how I used to think life insurance was unnecessary and how my perspective has changed. It’s important enough to at least be talked about with our spouses.

If you decide to look into life insurance or have any questions feel free to contact my husband Steve. His work email address is and his office number is (813) 681-5303.

On a side note, my hubby writes all types of insurance- car, homeowners, renters, etc. Not just life insurance. 

 If you contact him make sure to tell him you read my blog :) 

Will be posting my favorite amazon finds later on this week!