Social Media Break

It’s been two weeks and four days into my social media break… and I’m quite often asked how it’s going. In all honesty it has been really great for the most part, but it has also had its down side. I am not by any means against social media and am really looking forward to going back- but I must say it’s been really great to be disconnected for this time. I find that when I finally have those moments of quiet moments throughout the day and after putting the kids to bed- I have been reading books, reading scripture, and have been more consistent in prayer. In a way it has taken the overload of information that social media brings with it (good and bad) and removed the noise that sometimes keeps me busy and focused on things that are not that important (like the funny video you can’t help but watch, somebody’s blog post everyone is sharing, or just celebrity news in general). And to be honest I don’t think I checked social media that often (there have been plenty of days where surviving my children is enough to keep me busy away from the phone for days at a time) but it would still take up those short and rare moments of quietness that would eventually come up. 

Now for the bad- I miss seeing my friend’s posts! I want to know when their kids are sick, when they need prayer, when they have a small victory to celebrate. It can be isolating not being on social media and not being connected this way. When I started this fast I accepted that I would miss out on some stuff, might be behind on some updates, would not get to see pictures of babies being born or pregnancies announced. And that’s ok for the time being because right now I am in a season where I truly, desperately, more than anything else, desire to grow in my relationship with the Lord- and seek direction for our family over the next few years. 

I am thankful for blogging and the opportunity I have to share real life here, and I hope to be more consistent with it going forward :)