We were blessed by having a cool morning, a nice breeze, and a beautiful view of bayshore as we walked along.

Walking along bayshore

Jack had a great time!

Uncle Brett and Jack
I wish there were more special ways to remember Andrew besides on his birthday (If anyone has any suggestions please let me know). This 5k was just a wonderful way to remember him and help other babies who are not well and in the NICU.
I don't want to forget that Andrew was in my womb for 9 months and alive for 10 days. Each day he seems farther and farther away from me. He was dearly loved, prayed for by many, and his life used for mighty purposes beyond my comprehension. And I say that because I still can't make sense of this tragedy and I don't think I ever will. I have tried speculating on many different theories (and believe me I have many!) but in this life I will never truly know as God knows...
"For your thoughts are not my thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" Isaiah 55: 8-9
And so I cling on to God's word in the bible and His promise to me that he is trustworthy and He loves Steve, Andrew, Jack, and me. My emotions often tell me otherwise and it is a struggle between the two (although it has been much easier since having Jack). I have certainly not walked the journey of grief perfectly as I would've liked.

This is the verse we chose for the back of the shirt.. I wish we could've included the entire verse but it was too long to fit in the shirt.
Thank you to those that came out to walk with us. And thank you to everyone who kindly made a donation in Andrew's memory. My prayer is that by having this walk every year it will be a time of fellowship with our family and friends. That it will be a time of praise and conversations that will bring glory to the Lord.