Our little boy turned 7 months last Thursday and he is growing like a weed! I can't believe how big and strong he is by now. We have not had him weighed since he was 5 months old and I think he was 17 1/2 lbs back then. I would estimate he is 19 lbs now? I just look at his little feet and can't believe how big they are! and thankfully the chunky rolls on his thighs are still there (I was afraid they would go away when he started scooting, but thankfully they haven't).
About 2 weeks ago Jack really picked up on the crawling thing. He is able to get on all fours, rock back and forth, and he's even able to do the 'Downward Dog' yoga pose every now and then. If he wants to get somewhere he will crawl forward once and the plop down on the floor- he picks himself up right away and does that over and over until he gets to where he wants to go. He is quite the determined little fella!
Jack scooting around
His yoga pose
Jack loves to put anything he comes across into his mouth. And when there is nothing to put into his mouth, he will literally open his mouth and try to lick the floor! We have a big colorful mat we got at Sam's club which we've laid out in our green room. But now he is able to scoot on out of there and he quickly gets himself onto the hard floor which he loves to lick for some reason.
He has been eating solids for about a month and a half now. He loves sweet potatoes, carrots, and bananas. However the homemade organic squash that I lovingly made for him at home, he wants nothing to do with. He will close his mouth, grunt, or make a funny face and turn away from his food! He is at a point now where he lets us know when he likes or doesn't like something. His favorite thing to do is to grunt when he wants to be picked up or is bored of being in one place.
Eating his solids
He absolutely loves being outside and around people. I think he is quite the social little butterfly! Whenever we go grocery shopping he smiles at all the ladies that make a cute face at him. He also really flirts with the chinese people at the nail place close to our house! I don't go very often, but every other month or so to get a pedicure as a treat. This last Saturday we went and he could not stop smiling!
Jack also loves to play peekabo, hang by his feet (his favorite), and to be rolled around in his high chair around the kitchen. All these things get him to crack up which is the sweetest sound to my ears. He seems to have an adventurer spirit, which is going to be a challenge for me as a mom since I am all about safety.
Not everything is perfect in our lives though- there are times when we get frustrated, tired, and just don't understand what is going on with him. For example he stopped sleeping through the night when he turned 6 months and we're not sure why. We think its his teething (at least that is the only theory we've come up with). There are times when he gets very fussy and we have no idea what else we can do to make it better. He is also at a stage where he will wail if we step out of his sight even for a second... which I find endearing and annoying at the same time.
We are really enjoying this season of being Jack's parents. We dedicated him at our home church yesterday and it was such a wonderful day we've looked forward to for a long time! Here are some pictures from Sunday
During the baby dedication
A family picture... too bad my hair was doing a funky thing in the left side!
Posing in a picture with grandma