Lillian is full of life but she also is completely exhausting. She is all smiles and hugs, and yet she loves to climb and explore anything she can find. She is snuggly and loves to be cuddled, but she's also bossy and loves to tell others what to do. She is such a mixture of joy and worry to me! I have found her with small batteries in her mouth, eating lego pieces, climbing on top of tables, and jumping on beds. Seriously, many days I have wondered how she has made it through and I know that its none other than God's pure grace. Because if it was up to me and my parenting skills I would've failed BIG time. I thought I would surely be more prepared after being through this a few times.
Her first year of life people often asked me if it felt 'different' having a girl after having two boys. And honestly it really didn't feel that different other than I got to dress her up in girly outfits. But now that she is almost 18 months her personality is starting to come out. I am amazed at her attraction to necklaces and bracelets, anything sparkly, princesses, and my makeup. It's incredibly to see how God wired boys and girls differently and it can be seen at such an early age. And I find it funny because I'm not really a 'shoe' person, nor do I have anything sparkly, nor are there any princess books or movies in our house. We really have mostly legos, boy toys, and all kinds of truck books. This is all something coming from her! So yes it does feel different now as I start to think about all that comes with raising a girl. It feels strange, exciting, and certainly overwhelming at times.
Boys I know. I've read the books and have the experience. Girls I know nothing about. I haven't read the books, don't have the experience, or have the faintest clue where to start. They feel so much more fragile and vulnerable to things boys are usually not prone to. They can be emotional, nurturers, and relationships with other people are important to them. These days when Palmer and Jack are upset or in trouble, Lillian runs to them to give them a hug and pat them in the back. She is a nurturer by nature. The boys were so different at her age!
I am crazy about her and still can't believe she's part of our family. I am also so worn out at the end of the day from holding her and trying to figure out what she is trying to tell me. She has quite the opinion on what she likes and doesn't like, and has a hard time telling me since she's not really talking yet. She has been evaluated for speech, and although she's a little behind she seems to be on track.
I am praying for great things for you. You are loved deeply by your family and by Jesus. I tell you that every night as you go to bed and I hope that you will always be firmly grounded in that truth.
You have brought so much joy to our family. I hope I will remember all the things about you at this age that love about you and yet drive me crazy. Like how when you are tired you suck on your thumb and twirl my hair at the same time. Or how I find you talking to people on Christmas cards some days. And how you have a crazy attraction to my makeup bin and that is where you seem the happiest and most calm.
I often wonder about what the future holds for you and I'm scared of all that it may bring. But I am trusting that God has his hand over you, and that even in the disappointments and trials He will always protect you as He has to this day.
We love you Lillian Josie Briggs.